What You Should Consider When Shopping for Countertops

What You Should Consider When Shopping for Countertops


The most crucial component of the kitchen is the countertops. You spend significant time washing, cooking, and preparing food on your kitchen countertop. Additionally, it captures the design of your modular kitchen. Kitchen countertops come in a variety that is now offered on the market.


One of the most important choices in a kitchen renovation is the selection of the countertop.


Kitchen Countertop Height


The typical Indian height ranges from 820 to 860 mm and is related to the usual counter height. The countertop should be a few inches above your waist to prevent spills from the cooking surface.


Countertop Material


In general, the Indian market uses 4 types of kitchen countertop materials. Those are granite, marble, steel and quartz. And quartz kitchen countertop from Cristo Stone is high quality.


Kitchen Countertop Budget


Before entering into a contract, determine the net countertop cost based on the material you intend to use. However, the price of a standard quartz countertop will be Rs. 400 per square foot, although it may differ based on the pattern and material thickness. If you are having it done by a carpenter, keep in mind that the cost of the latest kitchen countertop includes the material purchased and the labour and freight costs associated with installing it to the specifications of your white kitchen top.


You now know what considerations to make while looking for the ideal countertop for your kitchen designs the next time you go shopping. Purchase kitchen countertops from Cristo Stone at the lowest possible price. We provide tough, resilient, and stain-resistant quartz countertops constructed from various materials.

visit at:-  https://cristostone.com/

Categories: Quartz
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